Helping your child improve their attention, focus, ability to learn, social connections and behavior.
Whether you have a diagnosis or know your child is struggling academically, socially or behaviorally I can help you determine if my program is the right fit.
I specialize in helping children, teenagers and adults with the foundation skills, those skills we all need for life; skills like reading, writing, behaviour, emotional control, co-ordination and balance. I help children's bodies get ready to learn by identifying the root cause of the challenge and correct it by improving the area of the brain where that skill is located. This program helps the body to work well, eyes working to read, fingers to hold a pencil, body to sit still, social skills, emotions and increased concentration & ability to retain information.
Learning Difficulties
Sitting still, mature pencil grasp and reading are often things we take for granted, but many of the children I work with have difficulties with these foundation concepts and complex tasks such as writing a story, become difficult if not almost impossible to master.
Do you remember driving a car for the first time?
It’s like the body is on a manual setting, thinking through every little thing it has to do.
For a child with NDD, sitting on the carpet listening to instructions for the independent activity, their focus is on the physical act of sitting still rather than listening. Sitting is not an automatic function, it requires concentration to be achieved, thus preventing the child from being able to focus on the teacher and understanding what to do.
The children, teenagers and adults with these difficulties are still on a manual setting, they are overloaded by trying to hard but they are not getting anywhere, our job is to put them on an automatic setting so they can develop higher level thinking and do complex tasks simply, without difficulty, and enjoy the success automatically – a thing others take for granted.
Parents might notice
• Need to be “on the move” much of the time
• Inability to sit still
• Poor sitting posture, particularly at a meal table or when working at a desk
• Difficulty learning to dress – do up buttons, tie shoelaces, put clothes on the right way round
• Difficulty using a knife and fork
• Writing problems
• Immature pencil grip
• Reading problems
• Spelling problems
• Difficulty catching a ball
• Either very good at sport but avoids written work or, avoids sport
• Poor impulse control
• History of being early (10 months) or late (16 months) at learning to walk
• History of being late at learning to talk
• Struggles in listed in learning areas
Reading Problems
• Losing place when reading
• Difficulty remembering words
• Lack of or slow progress in reading
Writing Problems
• Incorrect pencil grasp
• Poor expression of ideas onto paper
• Spelling problems

Learning problems
• Poor sequencing skills
• Poor sense of time
• Difficulty with Math
• Difficulty telling the time on an analogue clock
Auditory Processing Difficulties
• Late learning to talk
Balance Difficulties

• Inability to sit still/fidgeting
• Slumping at table or desk
• Wrapping legs around chair legs
• History of being early (10 months) or late (16+ months) learning to walk
Coordination Difficulties
• Difficulty using knife and fork
• Difficulty learning to ride a bicycle
• Difficulty learning to swim
• Falls over or crashes into things – clumsy
• Emotional overreaction doesn’t match situation
• Mood swings, easily frustrated
• Attention and concentration problems
• Bedwetting past 5 years of age
• Sitting still

Now that you know what I can help with, look at the program page to find out more about the neuro program and how that can improve these challenges and struggles that are occurring.